Saturday, August 29, 2015

In Memory of Our Beloved Charlie Dog (March 31, 1999? - August 16, 2015)

Our dear little traveling partner of 12 years passed away in my lap on the way to an emergency animal hospital Sunday evening, August 16th.  Bob had just gotten back from the hospital after spending three days there for an extensive ankle reconstruction surgery.  We think Charlie waited for him.

Charlie Brown, his formal name, was rescued by Bob's mother in 2000.  At best we figure he was about 1 at the time.  She said he picked her out, and she knew she had to take him home.

The first time I met him at Mom's house, I thought he was a little rat dog.  I was on the sofa, and he jumped up and onto my shoulder.   We had bulldogs, so I thought this little fru fru was weird.

When Bob's mom passed away March 31, 2003, Bob brought Charlie home to us, and we made that date his birthday.  My father was living with us at the time, and Charlie was a great companion for him, especially after our bulldog, Max, died in June.  Charlie would follow me every where, and my father would comment, "there goes Mary with her little lamb."

Little by little, Charlie won my heart over.  He was so smart.  I know people say that about their dogs, but I've never had one as smart as he was.  We would swear he spoke English, and even learned how to spell.  His intelligence served him well in later years when he lost his eyesight and hearing.  It was incredible how well he adapted to everything life threw at him.

For the past few months, he had been failing, and we considered it was time to send him to the "glue factory".  He graciously made that decision for us...another sign of his unconditional love for us.

We loved him dearly, too.  He will be missed as much as he was loved.
 Bob, Max, Pop & Charlie June 2003
Charlie was game for anything as long as he was with us
He was always up for a road trip.  Here he is in our first RV...a truck camper
He loved to dance and party
He loved holidays
He would grab a toy and come to tell us it was time to go to bed.  Good night, Charlie.


Sunday, August 9, 2015

Electric City's Comicon Aug 8 2015

The main branch of Anderson library hosted the Electric City's first Comicon on Saturday, August 8th.  What had started as a kids costume party morphed into a full blown comicon with cosplay and cosdesign, panel discussions, contests and a parade..  Young and old got into dressing as  their favorite character.  The convention planners thought there might be 500 attendees.  The final count was over 1100.  Since the event was such a success, hopefully it will be held again next year and for years to come.

Be careful, Bob, that's Edward Scissor Hands in front of you.
An earlier blog-post featured statutes outside the library.  This one, entitled "The Future" is at the entrance of the children's section.
There was a time when I probably could have identified every victor, victim, and villain.  Now I mostly have to say,"Neat costume".
"Neat costume", Jaws, Wonder Woman, and Cat Woman
Mini Wonder Woman is now officially entered in the costume contest.  Today's paper reported that her outfit was all hand made, except for the crown, which had come in a kid's meal pack.
"Neat costumes"
I told him to "smile for the camera", but I think the humor was lost on him.  By the way, "neat costume" 
The wingless Malelficent
Batman but, I don't think that's the Boy Wonder with him
Neat costume!
She is an author and artist of all things steampunk
Neat costume!  Great pose!
An Elvis sighting!
Even Amy couldn't resist some cosplay!