Thursday, August 29, 2019

Summin' Up Summer 2019

Summer's been kind of laid back and one of the hottest and most humid  since we've been here.  Thought we u-turned and were back in Florida!  We have a 5 week road trip starting at the end of  August, so other than a 3 day getaway at a local Army Corps park, we didn't plan on doing much.  As it turned out, our camping trip didn't pan out...both Bob and I ended up hurting too much to go...he from back pains and I from an ankle injury.  But, there were still some memorable times, like:
Bob continuing to work on his jalopy.  Here he is in the process of fabricating a metal bed out of plate steel to replace the old  bed that was on it.
His "big catch" the one time this summer that we went out on Lake Hartwell in our boat.  That will look great in our aquarium, Bob, if we had one, that is.  
So, on the next outing, we thought we would try to find the trout fishing spot on the Chattahoochee River at Buford Ford where brother Bobby went.  We pulled into the turnoff and starting hiking down the path.  Surely the spot was right around the next bend...??? But when after a mile we couldn't find it and realized we'd have to go the same distance (but this time uphill) to get back to the truck, we gave it up.
Further down the road and over a bridge, we found a spot on the Georgia side of the river.  We will keep this place in mind to try trout fishing another time when hopefully no one else beats us to it.
Never say die...this day Bob tried his luck on the Tugaloo River at Stephens Park, Georgia, just across  from the South Carolina border.  The fish didn't like his worms here either!
Back home we continue to be entertained by the birds, especially the humming-ones.  This little guy enjoys sitting on a offshoot of the spider plant that hangs from the front porch in between the two feeders we have for them.  I guess he rests before going back for seconds and thirds.  What is amazing is that he is so tiny that the stem doesn't even bend.
And our vegetable garden was a constant culinary delight.  We had a bumper crop of pickling cucumbers, string beans, and tomatoes.  Here is a monster heirloom picked from the plant that grew from a seedling Bobby had given us and one of our many roma tomatoes.

And my all time favorite summer past time...floating in the pool!!!