Ho Hum lived up to its name thanks to the t-storms that persisted. Nonetheless, it was relaxing watching the birds and waves in the safety of our travel unit. Since we couldn't catch our fish dinner, we went out to eat. Turns out, it might be the last of a dinner of oysters, grouper and/or shrimp due to the BP oil spill.
We learned some things from t-shirts that the waitresses wore. One was : "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, but what happens in Carrabelle never happened.". The other was about the "worm grunt ball" held annually in Sopchoppy since around 2000. Seems the locals gather to pound a stake into the ground and proceed to move a rasp back and forth across the top of the stake in the hopes of enticing the earthworms to come to the surface where they are harvested for bait. As I said, Ho Hum lived up to its name.
The effects of the economic melt down were very evident. Many of the businesses that we knew from previous visits were gone...closed, for sale, even razed. Posted on home after home were for sale signs.
In the early morning, the rain had finally stopped long enough for Bob to take a picture of me with one of my many retirement gifts from my friends at work...an "RV co-pilot cap", and then we were on our way again.
Wow... I wish I could have been there for the Earthworm event... ::))Donna