Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Next stop, Cozumel, Mexico - Thursday April 28, 2016

The ship took off from the Caymans around 4 pm and again sailed all night to land in Cozumel around 7 a.m. Thursday.  Since the ship was in port, we didn't need a tender to get to land.  We had decided to not take any excursions.  (Years ago, we had taken one to the Mayan ruins in Tulum on the mainland in  Playa del Carmen which was  absolutely magnificent.)  We embarked and strolled through the market place which was not the same area as we had been before.  Bob was hoping to find a leather vest, but none of the vendors had any, although they were over zealous in trying to sell us something...anything..."buy, buy, buy"... "spend, spend, spend".  After walking thru several streets and stopping at various stores, we did get some souvenirs,  then we returned to the cruise ship around 2 pm.  Most folks were still on shore, and not due back until 7:30, so we virtually had the boat to ourselves...which turned out to be one of the highlights of the trip.

Mayan "natives", a mermaid, and a pirate on stilts waited our arrival
Bob at  the port plaza before walking into town.
One of me at the plaza, too.  Reason nothing looked familiar to us is that we were further south on the island than we had been before. The folks behind me were trying to decide if the little turtle they saw in the pond was real or not.  Final verdict: real
Bob at the open market
This photo was taken outside a Carl's Jr.  How would you like to buy two of their biscuits for $35?  That was the cost in Mexican pesos, which would be about $2 American.  Carl's Junior in Mexico?  Where's Taco Bell???
Believe it or not, this is a hot spot for many female tourists...a  pedicure performed by fish nibbling at your feet.  Oh, I can just see cousin Adele or SIL Bev doing this (NOT!)  Although I love foot massages, even I was not tempted to try this.
The seat above the pedicure fish tank.  We had no idea what kind of fish were in there...hopefully not piranha!
We needed to take a break from the walk and the sun, and stopped at a little café where Bob could have a bit to eat, a margarita and me some bottled water.
Fortified, we made the mile trek back to the ship.
Back on board, I enjoyed being the only one in the hot tub...
..and braving the two story walk up to the water slide...
and the plunge...I was forewarned to hold my nose before entry.
All passengers were supposed to be back on ship by 7:30 pm, and we were scheduled to leave by 8.  We were delayed, but didn't know why until Bob heard a siren and said he thought a police car or ambulance was heading to the ship.  It was an ambulance that unloaded a female passenger.  No idea if she was drunk, had heat stroke, was bitten by a shark or what.  The mooring  ropes were finally untied  and we took off.  Earlier one of the crew had said the cruise line has to pay for time in port, and each minute they are delayed costs them big bucks. 
One of the land excursions offered was a swim with sting rays, plus the added attraction of having one put on your back.  Uh, no thank you.  But, Habibi, our room steward, thought we might like a sting ray to greet us when we returned.


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