Thursday, December 22, 2016

Townin' Around November 2016

After our trip to Georgia, Bob once again had a flare up of "indigestion".  After a trip or two to the ER, it was confirmed that his gall bladder needed to be removed.  It was severely infected which resulted in ecoli bacteria in his bloodstream.  Luckily all was caught in time.  He spent Veterans Day under the knife and the next day in the hospital with heavy doses of antibiotics.  It took a while for him to recuperate, but he is back to his usual busy self. With that and Thanksgiving and then Christmas on the horizon, we did not do a lot of exploring.  But here are some photos of this and that.

  Thanks to Roscoe and his daily walks, we get to enjoy the beauty of the campground.
The drought and the need for water for the power generators have dropped lake levels by 10 feet.
Roscoe doesn't care about the leaves or lake.  He wants to know where the squirrels are!
Well, Roscoe, while you are out for a stroll, they're on our deck...
using the covered bbq grill like a tanning bed!
For my birthday,  Bob treated me to a night on the town in Anderson.  By then, Christmas lights and decorations lit up Main Street in the old downtown section.
  We had not been into town at night.  It felt kind of magical, kind of like the feeling of going into New York City.... stairways leading down  into subways...
and ice skating at Rockefeller center...if you use your imagination, that is. 

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