Friday, April 14, 2017

Old photos

Bobby had brought up some photos he had from when we were growing up on Penobscot Street which I'd like to share here.
Baseball ran in our "jeans".  I was probably around 3 or 4 when this was taken.
When I was in second grade, my mother made these Halloween costumes for Bobby (who was then in 4th grade) and me. To this day I still marvel how she came up with the idea to make me the autumn princess, and how time consuming it must have been to sew all those fall leaves on the dress.  I can still remember the gentle rustling sound it made as I walked in our elementary school costume parade.  Many years later when Bob and I went to a Halloween party at the Rotary Club in Bonita, I attempted to duplicate the costume, but was not nearly as successful as she.  For one thing, I had to use artificial leaves, not having any real ones in south Florida (although my cousins Adele and Carol attempted to supply me with some via the mail) , and there was a lot more dress to cover!
Bobby and Joe in their little league uniforms standing at the back door.  My father had enclosed the porch and also made the Adirondack chair in the photos.  The boys were probably 8 and 10 when this was taken.
Bobby, our Pop, and Joe in the front of our house in  later baseball outfits.  Bobby said it looked as though Joe was stretched having grown so tall.  They were probably 12 and 14.
Thanks for the memories, Bobby


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