Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Calabash and More Company October 3 - 12, 2017

The day after Bobby and Valerie left, Bob and I made our way to Calabash, NC, where we had made reservations to stay for three days at one of the condos in Brunswick Plantation for a reunion with long time friends Paul and Jay and John and Plish.   Weather was nice, although too cool  for a dip in the ocean.  Jay was still working, so we got together for dinner in the evenings.  The first night Jay hosted, then I did, then Plish.  Sorry, but I wasn't camera crazy this visit, and only later did I realize I hadn't taken any pictures of "the gang".  Plish and John were going to be at their seasonal condo for a month.  We had invited them to come and see us, and they decided to visit the next week and stay a few days.
Basking in the semi-sun near the pier at Sunset Beach on the Grand Strand
 Roscoe's first-as-far-as-we-know walk on a beach.  Dogs are allowed after Labor Day until Memorial Day.
John and Plish at one of the outdoor pools nearest the condo.   John said he did go in the pool over the weekend.
The weather in Seneca the next week was unseasonably hot and humid.  Plish's knee was bothering her, and Bob had made appointments to have air conditioning guys give us estimates for a new system before we knew we'd be having company.  So, instead of our usual treks to the scenic wonders, I gave John and  Plish a tour of downtown Anderson.  
Anderson has several bronze artworks throughout the downtown area.
Barely visible in this photo is a little bronze Carolina Wren, one of over twenty placed in a scavenger hunt type pattern around Main Street.
Taking a breather...the next day we went junkin' and of course to Peppino's, which was as tasty as ever!  Plish & John left on Thursday.  Their next stop was to visit their niece outside of Charlotte, NC, and then they would return to their condo. We were hoping they would consider moving to our area, but if they ever do leave their beloved Bloomfield, NJ, it will more than likely be to move to Calabash.

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