Sunday, April 3, 2016

February 2016 Townville SC

I have never been fond of February.  Always seemed to be a down time.  But,  I  decided to get an electric keyboard, even though it would be a challenge to find room for it.  I have had a piano or keyboard of some sort since I was 13, and even though I can not play well, I missed having one, especially during the holidays.  Bob was feeling better after the pacemaker operation until around the middle of the month when he started feeling like he was having chest pains again.  So, we were back at the Anderson ER on the 16th of February.  Since he described it as an indigestion feeling, he was given a "gastric cocktail". That made him feel better, so no other tests were done, although at first the doctor was going to do a cat scan.  Three days later Bob started feeling really bad,  and we were back in ER on the 20th when the pain had gotten unbearable.  His appendix had ruptured.  He was operated on and spent the next 7 days in the hospital.  He said it was the worst pain he had ever been in.  But the bad news didn't stop there.  The scan done in the ER showed a "mass" on his lung.  The surgeon said we would deal with that once the appendectomy crisis was over. Bob had a lot of poison in his system.  In retrospect, we think the doctor was concerned that Bob might not make it.  Thankfully, he did.  But, it was not a good way to celebrate our one year of being in Townville.  And, now we needed  face the issue of the mass in his lung. 
The keyboard has a program where you can play along to recorded songs or rhythms, and no matter what notes you play, it sounds good.  Here is Bob, who has not played a musical instrument,  jamming out BAS (before appendectomy surgery).  The keyboard was later moved to a better place in our bedroom.
Got milk?  A calf and her momma at a nearby farm in Townville

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