Saturday, January 28, 2017

Day Trip into Georgia Jan 27 2017

On past trips into Georgia, we noticed an indoor flea market in Clayton that is open Fridays through Sundays.  We have been meaning to check it out, and today seemed like a good time to do so.  Clayton is a short distance, about 50 miles north of us, traveling on scenic US 76, which makes it a very enjoyable drive.  The flea market was more of an antique/collectibles mall, and although there wasn't anything that caught our eye or wallet, we had fun looking.  After that, we drove south on 15/US 23, stopping at Tallulah Gorge before returning home.
Dogs on leash or in carts were allowed in the mall, so Roscoe got to have a chance to go junkin', too.
At least the owner of this van in the parking lot calls it as he sees it.
Can't go too far in Georgia or South Carolina without coming across "bald" peanuts
The sign at the restaurant at the scenic over look of the gorge.  Bob and I stopped here at least 25 years ago.  It was a nice surprise that the roadside cafĂ© was still in business.
The gorge, formed by the Tallulah River,  is about 2 miles long, and as the sign read, over 900 feet deep.  It is considered one of the seven natural wonders of Georgia.
Professor Backman, in 1883, was the first person to walk a tight rope over the gorge.  It wasn't until 1970 that another person successfully repeated the feat, the famous Karl Wallenda, founder of the world renowned circus act The Flying Wallendas.  We were content to keep a respectful distance from the cliff edge!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

First snow of 2017 Jan 7

Weather folks were right on this time.  It snowed during the night and into the morning.  We woke up to a light dusting, probably less than an inch, but white stuff none the less.  As the day progressed, a lot melted, but the temperatures will be in the teens tonight, so we are expecting icy conditions.

Meet & Eat in Georgia Dec 29, 2016

Bobby and Valerie, my brother and sister-in-law from Largo, Florida, were in Tucker, GA, for a week's stay, visiting my niece and great nephew.  We planned on getting together for lunch in Hartwell, GA.  It was only about a 40 minute drive for us, and about an hour and a half for them, but they wanted to see that part of the state.  They plan on putting their home in Florida on the market after the new year, and once it sells, move to Georgia.  Per the Hartwell Welcome Center spokes lady, The Table was a good family eatery, so we met there.

Bobby and Valerie in Hartwell.  We hadn't seen them since February. 
Valerie and Owen. Valerie is modeling the infinity scarf I made for her for Christmas.  She's turned it into what I called a "scart" (scarf and hat) using it to cover her head and ears, too.  Great idea, Valerie! 
After lunch, we drove to one of the recreation sites near Hartwell Dam.  Lake levels are down here, too, as can be seen by the rocks in the water in the distance.
Valerie, her dog Honey, Owen, and Jenna decided to walk off  lunch.
We hope there will be many more chances to get together once Bobby and Valerie move up.