Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Pool!

Bob was adamant about our having a pool, knowing how much I enjoy the water.  As soon as we had committed to buying the house, he made arrangements to get an above ground one....24' x 52".  He decided upon an above ground one for economic reasons.  It was less expensive, and the value of our house would probably not increase enough to substantiate the cost of an in-ground pool.  He chose a well made pool; one that will probably last longer than either of us!  He arranged to have the ground  cleared and the pool set up by the company from which he purchased it.  Then came the hard work of building a deck, but he continued to aver that he loved every minute of it.
   Clearing ground - taken from back window
Area graded and ready to set up the pool
The two fellows who worked on this were amazing...really knew their stuff.  They said they can set up 3 pools a day.  Ours was up and ready to fill within a few hours.
The cleared dirt was dumped in a mound...
and I spent several days of chain gang type labor breaking it up and spreading it out to level the dog run that the previous owner had.  Meantime...
Bob was busy designing and constructing the deck
It was slowly coming together.  Bob had to pace himself; lots of other chores needed attention as well.
He braved the cold water in order to put in the ladder we would need.
The water was still too cool for a dip, but the deck is ready for some sun-time.
After much more lumber, nails, stain, and hard work, the deck is nearing completion.  Bob is going to modify the chain link fence configuration and probably enclose the bottom of the deck with lattice, but the finishing touches will need to be done after we return from a trip to New Jersey for cousin Jill's wedding.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Visitors May & June 2017

It's nice to have a house!  People like to come and visit!  And we love having company!

At the end of May, Bob's friend, Tim from Ft Myers, stayed with us a few days.  He had helped his son move to Raleigh, NC, and then drove to see us.  He and Bob enjoyed a few days of shooting pool...their favorite pastime.
And visitors can take pictures so you don't have to attempt selfies! 

The first Saturday in June, folks we had met when we lived in Townville came to see our new house.  Here is Mike...
...and his wife, Kelly.
The following Monday, my brother Bobby and sister-in-law Valerie, made an overnight visit on their way to Maine.
Of course, their dog Honey stayed, too.  We hope on their return trip to Florida in the fall, that they will be able to spend a little more time so we can do some sightseeing.