Saturday, July 28, 2012

Rehearsal Party at the Piasciks

Thursday morning was laundry day, and then pretty much a do nothing day until late afternoon when we drove to Salisbury Mills, NY, to the rehearsal party held at cousin Joe and Barbara's.  A severe t-storm erupted just as we got to their house.  Joe & Barb had set up tents in their backyard, but the rain forced most folks inside.  Luckily, they have a very large home, so there was plenty of room for the 50+  guests.  I must apologize that I did not get many pictures, especially of the principal players.  We left about 9 pm since it was over an hour drive back to the park along winding country roads, but we had a thoroughly enjoyable time, and are looking forward to the wedding Friday.
Cousin Adele,  nicely tanned and recently back from the Merson family annual vacation at Love Ladies on LBI 
One of several pictures which were displayed in the dining room of Joe and Melody growing up. In this photo Joe is being honored for one his many athletic achievements.
 The bride-to-be...Melody
Mr & Mrs Jones...Barbara's parents and grand parents of Joe, the groom-to-be
Annie had come down with a case of poison ivy, which prompted Adele to recall her getting it when at Sponja Farm in Pennsylvania when she was about 14.
Adele asked her dad if he remembered her getting poison ivy, which led him to relate how he had gotten it as a young man while playing ball with the guys in the club.  The baseball had gone into a field of weeds and no one else was willing to go in for it, so Uncle Mickey did.  He ended up getting poison ivy, and everyone assured him the cure was to "pee" on the rash.  So, he did.
Matt, Jill, Sean,  David, and Annie listening to the stories (or texting)
  David enjoying the punch line to his grand dad's anecdote for a poison ivy antidote.

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