Wednesday, January 23, 2019

October 24 and 25, 2018

After we left Fancy Gap, we went into Hillsville, where had arranged to get a new RV tire at B and B Tires.  One great thing about a small community is how quickly and pleasantly you can get things done. We were on our way within a half hour of getting there.  Too bad we didn't know which way to go!  Before the tunnel on I-77, there was a sign for our turn-off to Rte 219, or so we thought.  It led us to a rock quarry, a hard hat area, no less.
Think we're lost...
Gate guard told us not only were we on wrong road, but also wrong state! We had to get back to I-77 to get to  Rte 219 in WVA .  Yeah, thru that tunnel in that mountain ahead,
Back on track, we continued on 219 passing thru Hillsboro, the birthplace of Pearl S Buck, and taking a few breaks, one of which was at a little park.

The roadside rest was donated by The Beckett Family.  After nine hours on the road, we arrived at the night's campground Bob had chosen:
Five hundred miles after leaving our home town of  Seneca, we arrived at Seneca Shadows, along the Seneca Trail (Rte 219 also known as The Great Indian Warpath) famous for....
Seneca Rock!  
But, no time for rock climbing...we had yet another day of travel and hassling with the tires before getting to our next night's stay at Gallitzin State Park in Pennsylvania.
At noon, we stopped in Cumberland, Maryland, to try to get the RV tires rotated.  Because of the axle problem, the tires were wearing unevenly.  We couldn't get the work done there, so we continued down the road, finally finding a garage in Everett, PA, which was able to take us in...into this bay where we sat for about a half hour before the mechanic could get to us.
If you've ever seen the movie Twister, you'll remember the scene where they try to take shelter in a barn that has sickles and saws hanging from every rafter.  That was the feeling I had while sitting in this truck bay.  It didn't help that Halloween was only a few days away.
So, getting there and finding the actual campground (Crooked Run) in the 6249 acre state park which surrounds Glendale Lake was another all day effort.  We pulled in at dusk and couldn't wait to hit the sack.  Tomorrow, with luck, we would be in New Jersey.


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