Thursday, May 7, 2020

February and March 2020

February is definitely not my favorite month, and I hold my breath until it's over.  But, it started out nice...we dog-sat Honey for Bobby and Valerie while they took a little getaway trip to Jekyll Island for Valerie's milestone birthday.
Roscoe and Honey are good at sharing.  But we noticed Roscoe was drinking a lot of water, and after Honey was back at home, we took Roscoe to the vet.  As we thought, he was diagnosed with diabetes, but thankfully at an early stage.  Bob is now giving him insulin shots twice a day and the vet said he is doing great.  However, we can no longer be lazy in bed...we have to be up by 6:30 to get ready for his shot which he needs every 12 hours.
Then on February 8th, we had a fairly good snowstorm, although the birds didn't think it was so good.
and probably neither did Bob or Roscoe!
It was a wet snow, great for making snowballs, snowmen and snow forts!
Around this time, our microwave went on the fritz.  We had said once the old appliances needed to be replaced, we would redo the kitchen.  So, we headed off to Lowe's to order a new microwave, dishwasher (installed here), stovetop and wall oven, and decided to get granite counters and a new sink from a local granite company.
 However, this turned into somewhat of a haunted kitchen project.  The backsplash was supposed to be 5" high, but was cut to 4", and the paint and some of the sheet rock were ripped away during the removal of the old counter.  Also, the installer didn't cut the piece so that it looked seamless.  We were totally dissatisfied and the company agreed to replace it.  Due to the pandemic that followed, we are still waiting for the remodel.
The fellow who installed the wall oven accidentally left some of the plastic protective on the racks.  We couldn't figure out what the awful smell was when he turned it on until the test run was over, and I found the melted plastic.  The lens covering the light under the new microwave suddenly broke during the middle of the night, not once, but twice for no explainable reason.  I contacted the company and got a replacement lens (twice) but not an answer as to what caused this to happen.  One of the two lights had burned out and we haven't replaced it yet, so the lens might break a third time once we use the light again.  The glass lens fell onto the new stove top, but thankfully didn't harm it.  So far the sink and dishwasher have not been infected. But the country was, and in March came the stay at home orders.  Joe, Bev and kids were going to go to Kiawah for spring break and planned on stopping to see us and Bobby and Valerie on the way back, but had to cancel those plans. 
A week or so later, Roscoe got his foot caught on the chain link fence while he was raising a ruckus with the neighbor's dog.  He ripped and broke one of his claws and could hardly walk, so we had to take him to the vet to have it pulled out.  He was bandaged up for a few days, but has since recovered.
At the end of March, it was beginning to look like spring which made the self quarantine somewhat  easier to handle.

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