Thursday, June 9, 2011

Boldt Castle on Heart Island

We had a severe t-storm last night, but the weather cleared today, so we took the boat shuttle to Heart Island to see Boldt Castle.  George Boldt, an immigrant from Prussia who rose to be a multimillionaire hotel magnate managing and profit sharing  two Waldorf Astoria hotels, had bought and reshaped the island into a heart and in 1900, proceeded to have a six story castle built as a symbol of the love he had for his wife, Louise.  In 1904, Louise suddenly died, and Boldt ordered work to be halted on the castle, and he never returned to the island.  Over the years, the property passed into the hands of  the Thousand Islands Bridge Authority which has rehabilitated the structures which include the 127 room castle, basement with a swimming pool and tunnels to the outside grounds; the "Dove-Cote" which was a hennery for the pigeons and other fowl the Boldts collected; the Italian garden; the Arch which was to lead to a swan pond; the Alster Tower, a playhouse; and the Power House/Clock Tower.  Across from the island is the Yacht House on Wellesley Island which Boldt also owned.  On the farm properties there, Boldt raised poultry and cattle, and grew vegetables and sold the eggs, meat and produce to the Waldorf hotels.  The 1,000 Islands dressing was originally made by one of  the local fisherman's wives, but Boldt had one of the Waldorf chefs prepare it, and it became a favorite. This castle is just one of several built on the islands during the era of opulence at the turn of the century.  What a shame that no one ever lived in it.
  Of course, the first room we had to see was the billiards one.
View from a landing of the stairway to the second story.
The stained glass dome in the ceiling at the fifth floor seen from the second story landing.
Bob inspects the exposed brick and stone work in an unfinished section on the 3rd floor.
A few of the original architectural diagrams for the castle dated November 1900 which were used to reconstruct the castle starting in 1977.
A view of the castle and part of the Dove- Cote from the gardens.
The underground tunnel..what a great place this would be for a Halloween Party!!!
Part of the Italian the background is the Power House and Clock Tower.
One of the fountains in the garden.
The Power House and Clock Tower seen from the gardens.
The dining room, which was  the only room that contained the Boldt's original furniture.
A view of the ballroom across from the library.
The path to the Alster Tower, the playroom that was completed and occasionally used by the Boldts while the castle was being built.
The Arch which was to lead to the swan pond which was never completed.
The Yacht House across from Heart Island on Wellesley Island.  The slips are 128 feet long and 64 feet high.
A last look at the playhouse and arch as we head back to Alexandria Bay.
Back to the mainland and reality...a five and dime store.
I hope we will...

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